Sunday, May 27, 2012

Colored Mason Jars!

Okay so I am a little obsessed with mason jars..
Who wouldn't be though? You can use them for anything: drinking glass, candle holder, change, jewelry, etc.
This DIY changes the tint of the glass to whatever color you'd like.
(I really hate that the image quality is so low.. a little less than week until I have my camera back)

Paper towels, plastic cups(depending on how many colors is what number of cups you'll need), food colors, Mod Podge, paint brush and mason jars

 Mix the food coloring into a small portion of Mod Podge (with MP a little goes a long way I used probably about a tablespoon of it)
For the blue jar I only used one drop and now looking back wish that I had used about three or four.

Once I had it completely mixed, I painted a layer of the mixture onto the outside of the jar.
(I did it on the outside because MP is water based and I would love to use these as flower jars, I've just got to be careful to not get water on the MP!)

Once I had coated the entire outside of the jar, including the rim, I set them on the paper towel to dry

Twenty minutes later I had the finished product!!

Now you can make colors to match your homes color scheme!
xo. Alexandra

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